ELN - European Literacy Network
This network is funded by COST Action IS1401 - Strengthening Europeans’ Capabilities by Establishing the European Literacy Network (ELN). Through this Action, reading and writing research communities across Europe are joining, integrating their findings, and aligning their agendas.

Referência : COST Action IS1401 - Strengthening Europeans’ Capabilities by Establishing the European Literacy Network
Financiamento : EU Framework Programme Horizon 2020
Início : 12-12-2014 - Fim : 11-12-2018
Investigadores: Paula Vaz (Working Group 1- An Integrated anda Inclusive Approach to foundational literacy across Europe) / Maria Raquel Patrício (Working Group 2 - Developmental aspects of literacy and education in a digital world. Team A. Digital literacy)
- Website: